Sunday, June 1, 2008

God Has Not!

Well the deed is done. Dr. Cary Hilliard, having resigned a few weeks ago, has preached his last sermon as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Jefferson, Georgia.

Today was his last Sunday. The service was good. He had requested a celebrative service based on the theme of Baptism: A New Beginning so we sang several favorite gospel hymns and the choir presented a favorite by Mary McDonald "I Must Tell Jesus with Blessed Assurance."

There were, of course, the tears, the goodbyes, the hugs, the well wishes, and the fellowship meal in his honor. (That did remind me of Christmas, as all the eating began without the guest of honor being present.)

However, throughout the sermon there was the admonition to look ahead, to look forward, to rely on God's presence and His Spirit to continue moving ahead.

I was present in one of our Sunday School classes as they spoke of this event. I took the opportunity to mention that my desire was for the church to move forward - to grow if possible - at least to not sit down. I used the thoughts of President John Kennedy to challenge the class to "ask not what our church can do for me, but what can I do for my church."

Then the statement was made: "Pastor Cary has resigned, but God has not!"

Let us remember that our Leader is still seeking to lead and still seeking followers. May we be true and faithful to our calling.


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