Monday, February 18, 2008

Words from the Past

In going through some items in the cleaning process, I found the following article that I had written many years ago. The thoughts are still appropriate and still of interest, so with the idea of preservation I present them here (with paragraph editing - for some reason, I didn't divide the article into paragraphs back then):


Dear People...

Why do I like new songs?

Ladies, suppose your husband came home from work for the last 25 years, kissed you at the door, and said, "I love you!"

Now suppose one day he came home at lunch, handed you a rose, and said, "I love you!" It wouldn't make the other way less special, but it would probably make your fountain bubble.

Old songs are wonderful. They speak to my heart and even sometimes give me goosebumps, but sometimes they get so familiar that I don't really pay attention to them. But a new song allows me to say the same thing (or hear the same thing) in a fresh way. My mind becomes more alert and again the truth of God's love and the foundations of our faith are revealed to me.

I love the old songs - they are part of my heritage - but I also love the new songs.

"O sing unto the LORD a new song." (Psalm 96:1)


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