Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In Memoriam - Dottie Rambo

My first exposure to Dottie Rambo was actually at a Andrae Crouch Concert in Atlanta when I was much younger.

Dottie Rambo died early Sunday morning, May 11 in a bus accident. If the links are still good, you can read the story from the New York Times or Yahoo! News.

Through the years, I haven't followed her career, or life, very closely, but some of the songs she has written have impacted me as a musician. One that has been very special to me was within arm's reach as I read of her passing just a few minutes ago. She co-wrote with Jimmie Davis "Sheltered in the Arms of God."

May God bless and strengthen her family in the days, as well as touch the lives of those who were injured in the accident.


Friday, May 9, 2008

Reason to Visit

New every day!

I realize that visiting every day could be boring as it was basically the same thing all the time.

Change has come. I have added links to top news stories and a "Today in History" section. I am looking for other ways to make it interesting as well.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day

For my mother: I love you! I appreciate you so much, not only for what you did for me as a child and youth, but your continued prayers, love, and support through my adulthood.

For my mother-in-law: Though departed, I love you for bringing my wife into this world and seeking to raise her to be the fine lady that she is today.

Mother's Day IS a day to honor our mothers (not the mothers among us, but our own personal mothers).

Far too often it appears that Mother's Day is about mothers: I am a mother, you are not a mother. By doing so, I fear we miss the point of the day. For me, it's not about whether or not you are a mother, but that I have a mother ... and you have a mother.

When the day degenerates into a celebration of motherhood, then pain results for those who have not been able to be mothers, or for those who have lost their children either in childbirth, childhood, youth, or even later in life.

I can celebrate and you can celebrate because we all have a mother. Be grateful for her and bless her!

* * * * * * *

This Sunday, our stated theme at First Baptist Church of Jefferson is "The Faith of a Mother."

We will give praise to God for the beauty and greatness of all His creation, especially parent (mother) and child - family. We will also sing of the wonderful legacy of those who have or have had a mother of faith.

We also recognize that mothers, like all of us, need for our Lord to deal in and work through each of our lives, especially as the choir sings "Lord Jesus, Think on Me," a simple but wonderful prayer anthem.

Together, we wil acknowledge our need for faith and the importance it plays in our lives.

So, as we gather, each in our respective house of worship, may we seek to grow in our faith and our walk with our Lord. May we honor the Lord who has been good and given each of us a mother.

- If you are a mother, be all you can be in the Lord!

- If you are not a mother, be all you can be in the Lord!

Thank You, Lord, for my mother!!

Happy Mother's Day!


Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Basic Christian Library

What are some of the books that one might find in a basic Christian library?

I have posted some recommendations with links for your consideration.

There are Bibles, reference books, and devotional books. I also included a link to "The Chronicles of Narnia" since there is much interest in the movie "Prince Caspian" that is coming out in theatres.

It is a long page with a lot of information, but I hope it will prove helpful.

You can find my recommendations on my website, Dickson Home, by clicking here or on the link on the sidebar and then clicking on the menu link to "Recommended Reading."


Vacation Bible School Pictures

If you are working in Vacation Bible School this year (2008) and using LifeWay's Outrigger Island literature, you may be interested in the pictures that I have posted on my website.

There are pictures from the Georgia Baptist VBS Training at Toccoa, GA and the Tugalo Associational Clinic at Martin Baptist Church.

To view the pictures click here or on the link in the sidebar to Dickson Home and then click on the menu item labeled VBS Pictures.


Dilemma in Music Ministry

In church music, we basically live from Sunday to Sunday, and, in my case, Wednesday to Wednesday for rehearsals. There is the planning and ...